Produkt zum Begriff Computing:
Security in Computing
The New State of the Art in Information Security: Now Covers Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, and Cyberwarfare Students and IT and security professionals have long relied on Security in Computing as the definitive guide to computer security attacks and countermeasures. Now, the authors have thoroughly updated this classic to reflect today’s newest technologies, attacks, standards, and trends. Security in Computing, Fifth Edition, offers complete, timely coverage of all aspects of computer security, including users, software, devices, operating systems, networks, and data. Reflecting rapidly evolving attacks, countermeasures, and computing environments, this new edition introduces best practices for authenticating users, preventing malicious code execution, using encryption, protecting privacy, implementing firewalls, detecting intrusions, and more. More than two hundred end-of-chapter exercises help the student to solidify lessons learned in each chapter. Combining breadth, depth, and exceptional clarity, this comprehensive guide builds carefully from simple to complex topics, so you always understand all you need to know before you move forward. You’ll start by mastering the field’s basic terms, principles, and concepts. Next, you’ll apply these basics in diverse situations and environments, learning to ”think like an attacker” and identify exploitable weaknesses. Then you will switch to defense, selecting the best available solutions and countermeasures. Finally, you’ll go beyond technology to understand crucial management issues in protecting infrastructure and data. New coverage includes A full chapter on securing cloud environments and managing their unique risksExtensive new coverage of security issues associated with user—web interactionNew risks and techniques for safeguarding the Internet of ThingsA new primer on threats to privacy and how to guard itAn assessment of computers and cyberwarfare–recent attacks and emerging risksSecurity flaws and risks associated with electronic voting systems
Preis: 93.08 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Quantum Computing Fundamentals
ONE-VOLUME INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM COMPUTINGClearly explains core concepts, terminology, and techniquesCovers the foundational physics, math, and information theory you needProvides hands-on practice with quantum programmingThe perfect beginner's guide for anyone interested in a quantum computing careerDr. Chuck Easttom brings together complete coverage of basic quantum computing concepts, terminology, and issues, along with key skills to get you started.Drawing on 30+ years as a computer science instructor, consultant, and researcher, Easttom demystifies the field's underlying technical concepts and math, shows how quantum computing systems are designed and built, explains their implications for cyber security, and previews advances in quantum-resistant cryptography. Writing clearly and simply, he introduces two of today's leading quantum programming languages, Microsoft Q# and QASM, and guides you through sample projects. Throughout, tests, projects, and review questions help you deepen and apply your knowledge.Whether you're a student, professional, or manager, this guide will prepare you for the quantum computing revolution--and expand your career options, too.Master the linear algebra and other mathematical skills you'll needExplore key physics ideas such as quantum states and uncertaintyReview data structures, algorithms, and computing complexityWork with probability and set theory in quantum computingFamiliarize yourself with basic quantum theory and formulaeUnderstand quantum entanglement and quantum key distributionDiscover how quantum computers are architected and builtExplore several leading quantum algorithmsCompare quantum and conventional asymmetric algorithmsSee how quantum computing might break traditional cryptographyDiscover several approaches to quantum-resistant cryptographyStart coding with Q#, Microsoft's quantum programming languageSimulate quantum gates and algorithms with QASM
Preis: 51.35 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Plant Biology
For non-majors and mixed-majors introductory botany (plant biology) courses. Plant Biology focuses students on the function of plants and the role they play in our world. With evolved content and a new organisation, the authors emphasise the scientific method to help students develop the critical thinking skills they need to make sound decisions throughout life. Together, the emphasis on how plants work and the development of critical-thinking skills support the authors’ goal of fostering scientific literacy. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Cloud Computing Design Patterns
“This book continues the very high standard we have come to expect from ServiceTech Press. The book provides well-explained vendor-agnostic patterns to the challenges of providing or using cloud solutions from PaaS to SaaS. The book is not only a great patterns reference, but also worth reading from cover to cover as the patterns are thought-provoking, drawing out points that you should consider and ask of a potential vendor if you’re adopting a cloud solution.”--Phil Wilkins, Enterprise Integration Architect, Specsavers“Thomas Erl’s text provides a unique and comprehensive perspective on cloud design patterns that is clearly and concisely explained for the technical professional and layman alike. It is an informative, knowledgeable, and powerful insight that may guide cloud experts in achieving extraordinary results based on extraordinary expertise identified in this text. I will use this text as a resource in future cloud designs and architectural considerations.”--Dr. Nancy M. Landreville, CEO/CISO, NML Computer ConsultingThe Definitive Guide to Cloud Architecture and DesignBest-selling service technology author Thomas Erl has brought together the de facto catalog of design patterns for modern cloud-based architecture and solution design. More than two years in development, this book’s 100+ patterns illustrate proven solutions to common cloud challenges and requirements. Its patterns are supported by rich, visual documentation, including 300+ diagrams.The authors address topics covering scalability, elasticity, reliability, resiliency, recovery, data management, storage, virtualization, monitoring, provisioning, administration, and much more. Readers will further find detailed coverage of cloud security, from networking and storage safeguards to identity systems, trust assurance, and auditing.This book’s unprecedented technical depth makes it a must-have resource for every cloud technology architect, solution designer, developer, administrator, and manager.Topic AreasEnabling ubiquitous, on-demand, scalable network access to shared pools of configurable IT resourcesOptimizing multitenant environments to efficiently serve multiple unpredictable consumersUsing elasticity best practices to scale IT resources transparently and automatically Ensuring runtime reliability, operational resiliency, and automated recovery from any failureEstablishing resilient cloud architectures that act as pillars for enterprise cloud solutionsRapidly provisioning cloud storage devices, resources, and data with minimal management effortEnabling customers to configure and operate custom virtual networks in SaaS, PaaS, or IaaS environmentsEfficiently provisioning resources, monitoring runtimes, and handling day-to-day administrationImplementing best-practice security controls for cloud service architectures and cloud storageSecuring on-premise Internet access, external cloud connections, and scaled VMsProtecting cloud services against denial-of-service attacks and traffic hijackingEstablishing cloud authentication gateways, federated cloud authentication, and cloud key managementProviding trust attestation services to customersMonitoring and independently auditing cloud securitySolving complex cloud design problems with compound super-patterns
Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was sind die wichtigsten Anwendungen von Biomolecular Engineering in der modernen Technologie und Medizin?
Die wichtigsten Anwendungen von Biomolecular Engineering in der modernen Technologie und Medizin sind die Entwicklung von personalisierten Medikamenten und Therapien, die Herstellung von biologisch abbaubaren Materialien für die Medizintechnik und die Verbesserung von Diagnoseverfahren durch die Nutzung von Biomolekülen. Biomolecular Engineering spielt auch eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Biosensoren für die Früherkennung von Krankheiten und der Erforschung neuer Behandlungsmethoden auf zellulärer Ebene. In der modernen Technologie wird Biomolecular Engineering auch zur Entwicklung von nachhaltigen Energiequellen, biologischen Sensoren und biotechnologischen Prozessen eingesetzt.
Was sind die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich des Biomolecular Engineering und wie könnten sie die Medizin und die Lebenswissenschaften revolutionieren?
Die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich des Biomolecular Engineering umfassen die Entwicklung von präzisen Genschere-Technologien wie CRISPR/Cas9, die es ermöglichen, gezielte Veränderungen im Erbgut vorzunehmen. Diese Technologien könnten die Behandlung genetischer Krankheiten revolutionieren und neue Therapien ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus könnten sie auch dazu beitragen, personalisierte Medizin und maßgeschneiderte Therapien für individuelle Patienten zu entwickeln.
Was bedeuten Data Science und Data Engineering?
Data Science bezieht sich auf die Analyse und Interpretation von Daten, um Erkenntnisse und Muster zu gewinnen, die bei der Lösung von Problemen und der Unterstützung von Entscheidungsprozessen helfen. Data Engineering hingegen bezieht sich auf die Entwicklung und Verwaltung von Dateninfrastrukturen, um sicherzustellen, dass Daten effizient erfasst, gespeichert, verarbeitet und analysiert werden können. Data Engineering legt den Fokus auf die technische Seite der Datenverarbeitung, während Data Science sich auf die Analyse und Interpretation der Daten konzentriert.
Wie kann man Social Engineering lernen?
Um Social Engineering zu lernen, kann man zunächst Bücher und Online-Ressourcen zu diesem Thema studieren. Es gibt auch spezielle Schulungen und Kurse, die sich mit den verschiedenen Techniken des Social Engineering befassen. Praktische Erfahrung kann man durch das Üben von Gesprächstechniken und Manipulationsstrategien sammeln, beispielsweise durch Rollenspiele oder Simulationen. Zudem ist es wichtig, sich über die rechtlichen Aspekte des Social Engineering bewusst zu sein und ethische Grenzen einzuhalten.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Computing:
Software Engineering
Die 10. Auflage des Klassikers „Software Engineering“ von Ian Sommerville wurde aktualisiert und um neue Inhalte erweitert, wie z.B. die fortschreitende Einbindung von Methoden der agilen Softwareentwicklung, Resilienz-Engineering, Systems-Engineering, Systeme von Systemen und vieles mehr. Das Buch gibt im ersten Teil eine grundlegende Einführung in den Komplex Software-Engineering. Der zweite Teil widmet sich der Entwicklung verlässlicher, sicherer Systeme. Unter anderem werden hier auch Cybersicherheit und resiliente Systeme besprochen. Der dritte Teil enthält ein breites Spektrum an Themen, die heutzutage für das Software-Engineering eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Die Inhalte reichen von der Wiederverwendung, komponenten- und serviceorientierte Entwicklung über Systeme von Systemen bis hin zum Echtzeit-Software-Engineering. Der vierte Teil ist dem Projekt- und Konfigurationsmanagement gewidmet. Hier spielt sowohl die Planung als auch die Qualitätssicherung von Softwareprozessen eine bedeutende Rolle. Das Buch richtet sich primär an Studierende der Informationstechnik, die Einführungs- und Fortgeschrittenenkurse in Software- und Systems-Engineering besuchen. Alle Inhalte werden anhand von vier Beispielprojekten unter Verwendung von UML und der Programmiersprache Java ausführlich erläutert. Zu jedem Kapitel gibt es Lernziele, Weblinks, Übungsaufgaben und Literaturempfehlungen, die das Selbststudium unterstützen. Professionellen Softwareingenieuren/Softwareingenieurinnen dient das Buch als Nachschlagewerk, mit dessen Hilfe sie ihr Wissen auf den aktuellen Stand bringen können. - Grundlagen des Software-Engineerings - Softwareprozesse und Vorgehensmodelle - Agile Softwareentwicklung - Anforderungsanalyse und -definition - Systemmodellierung und -implementierung - Testen, Integration, Betrieb und Weiterentwicklung- Software-Engineering für verlässliche, sichere Systeme- Verfügbarkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Betriebs- und Informationssicherheit - Resilienz-Engineering - Wiederverwendung von Software - Komponentenbasierte Entwicklung - Entwicklung verteilter Systeme - Servicebasierte Entwicklung - Systems-Engineering - Systeme von Systemen - Echtzeit-Software-Engineering - Projektmanagement - Projektplanung- Qualitätssicherung - Konfigurationsmanagement
Preis: 47.99 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Engineering Mathematics
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. Engineering Mathematics is the unparalleled undergraduate textbook for students of electrical, electronic, communications, and systems engineering. This widely used text, now in its 5th Edition, takes on an applications-focused approach to ensure a deep and practical understanding.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
The Biology Book
The Biology Book , Learn about the most important discoveries and theories of this science in The Biology Book. Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Biology in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for novices looking to find out more and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Biology Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Biology, with: - More than 95 ideas and events key to the development of biology and the life sciences - Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts - A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout - Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understanding The Biology Book is a captivating introduction to understanding the living world and explaining how its organisms work and interact - whether microbes, mushrooms, or mammals. Here you'll discover key areas of the life sciences, including ecology, zoology, and biotechnology, through exciting text and bold graphics. Your Biology Questions, Simply Explained This book will outline big biological ideas, like the mysteries of DNA and genetic inheritance; and how we learnt to develop vaccines that control diseases. If you thought it was difficult to learn about the living world, The Biology Book presents key information in a clear layout. Here you'll learn about cloning, neuroscience, human evolution, and gene editing, and be introduced to the scientists who shaped these subjects, such as Carl Linnaeus, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin, and Gregor Mendel. The Big Ideas Series With millions of copies sold worldwide, The Biology Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 22.45 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Security in Computing
The Art of Computer and Information Security: From Apps and Networks to Cloud and Crypto Security in Computing, Sixth Edition, is today's essential text for anyone teaching, learning, and practicing cybersecurity. It defines core principles underlying modern security policies, processes, and protection; illustrates them with up-to-date examples; and shows how to apply them in practice. Modular and flexibly organized, this book supports a wide array of courses, strengthens professionals' knowledge of foundational principles, and imparts a more expansive understanding of modern security. This extensively updated edition adds or expands coverage of artificial intelligence and machine learning tools; app and browser security; security by design; securing cloud, IoT, and embedded systems; privacy-enhancing technologies; protecting vulnerable individuals and groups; strengthening security culture; cryptocurrencies and blockchain; cyberwarfare; post-quantum computing; and more. It contains many new diagrams, exercises, sidebars, and examples, and is suitable for use with two leading frameworks: the US NIST National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) and the UK Cyber Security Body of Knowledge (CyBOK). Core security concepts: Assets, threats, vulnerabilities, controls, confidentiality, integrity, availability, attackers, and attack types The security practitioner's toolbox: Identification and authentication, access control, and cryptography Areas of practice: Securing programs, userinternet interaction, operating systems, networks, data, databases, and cloud computing Cross-cutting disciplines: Privacy, management, law, and ethics Using cryptography: Formal and mathematical underpinnings, and applications of cryptography Emerging topics and risks: AI and adaptive cybersecurity, blockchains and cryptocurrencies, cyberwarfare, and quantum computing Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Preis: 70.61 € | Versand*: 0 €
Sollte ich Informatik oder Informatik Games Engineering studieren?
Die Wahl zwischen Informatik und Informatik Games Engineering hängt von deinen Interessen und Karrierezielen ab. Wenn du dich für die Entwicklung von Computerspielen und die spezifischen Herausforderungen in diesem Bereich interessierst, könnte Informatik Games Engineering die richtige Wahl sein. Wenn du jedoch ein breiteres Verständnis von Informatik und die Möglichkeit haben möchtest, in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Softwareentwicklung, Datenanalyse oder Netzwerksicherheit zu arbeiten, könnte ein allgemeines Informatikstudium besser geeignet sein. Es kann auch hilfreich sein, die Studienpläne und Kursinhalte beider Studiengänge zu vergleichen, um eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen.
Welche Engineering-Disziplin interessiert dich am meisten und warum?
Die Disziplin, die mich am meisten interessiert, ist die Elektrotechnik, da ich fasziniert bin von der Entwicklung und Optimierung elektronischer Systeme. Zudem bietet sie vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in verschiedenen Branchen. Die Möglichkeit, innovative Technologien zu entwickeln und damit einen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung der Gesellschaft zu leisten, motiviert mich besonders.
Welche Vorteile bietet Cloud Computing für Unternehmen?
Welche Vorteile bietet Cloud Computing für Unternehmen?
Was sind die zukünftigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Tissue Engineering in der Medizin?
Tissue Engineering hat das Potenzial, personalisierte Organe und Gewebe für Transplantationen herzustellen. Es könnte auch zur Entwicklung von Medikamenten und zur Erforschung von Krankheiten verwendet werden. Darüber hinaus könnten biotechnologisch hergestellte Gewebeimplantate die Regeneration von verletztem Gewebe unterstützen.
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